Insertion of cabotage in transportation of supplies for the 8th Military Region

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Newton Carlos de Oliveira Portella
Luiz Antônio da Silveira Lopes
Orivalde Soares da Silva Junior


Cabotage navigation is a fundamental part of the optimization of transport networks for large volumes of cargo over long distances, with significant potential for expansion in view of an extension of the Brazilian maritime coast and a territorial dimension of Brazil. The reduction in transportation costs and, consequently, the logistic costs, is directly linked to the replacement of the current mode of road transportation by cabotage. In this article, two transportation channels of the military supply chain involved in the 8th Military Region were described: the internal and the external. The methodology applied to the research was developed based on the technical knowledge applied to the case of the 8th RM, comparing transport costs between the two modes. As a result, it was found that with the insertion of cabotage, some routes performed by road can be suppressed, favoring the reduction of transportation costs for the Brazilian Army in the Eastern Amazon.


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How to Cite
PORTELLA, N. C. DE O.; LOPES, L. A. DA S.; SILVA JUNIOR, O. S. DA. Insertion of cabotage in transportation of supplies for the 8th Military Region. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 15, n. 52, p. 21-37, 2 Nov. 2020.
Scientific Articles