Contributions of the Portuguese Language Grammar to the Spanish language Teaching

a proposal to raise awareness of the formal aspects of the foreign language

Keywords: Grammar teaching, Spanish language teaching, Awareness, Concept formation


This paper deals with the usefulness of the grammatical knowledge of the mother tongue for a foreign language teaching. It is a research of qualitative approach whose objective is to offer a teaching proposal that considers the grammatical knowledge of the Portuguese language in order to raise awareness of the formal aspects of the Spanish language. The research is based on Vigotsky´s (2001) studies on the construction of thought and language. We highlight the appreciation of the role of the school for the knowledge of the formal aspects of the language, for awareness raising, as well as for the concept formation process. With regard to the methodology, the research is based on the post-method, a concept which was deepened by Kumaravadivelu (2001). In our proposal, we address aspects of the norm and usage of the verbs ter/haver and tener/haber for their expressions of possession, existence and auxiliary function in Portuguese and Spanish. We used the discursive genre 'poem' in order to offer a teaching proposal focused on concepts that elucidates the importance of grammatical knowledge in Portuguese for the awareness of the formal aspects of the Spanish language.


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How to Cite
Salgado Pereira Pinto, T., & Ramos da Silva, E. (2023). Contributions of the Portuguese Language Grammar to the Spanish language Teaching: a proposal to raise awareness of the formal aspects of the foreign language. Revista Agulhas Negras, 7(10), 113-132. Retrieved from