The brazilian military veterinary medicine in peace operations: experiences gathered in the mission of the united nations organization for stabilization of Haiti

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Otavio Augusto Brioschi Soares
José Roberto Pinho de Andrade Lima
Carlos Henrique Coelho de Campos
Renata Simões Barros


The new scenarios deploying the Armed Forces around the world require an increasingly dynamic and comprehensive doctrine and use of the Military Health including the Military Veterinary Medicine. This is an area that guarantees the biosafety of military operations through actions of food and water quality insurance, intelligent animal disease control, biological defense and environmental and waste management. The present study aimed at analyzing the contribution of the Brazilian Military Veterinary Medicine in peace operations, with specific focus on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, a military mission  commanded by Brazil since 2004. Through documentary survey and personal testimonies it was possible to gather report of bio-security actions taken by Army vets sent to Haiti and to conclude that the Veterinary Medicine has a comprehensive performance field which enables the knowledge and the transformation of the sanitation scenario in the localities in which military peace operations are conducted. These are necessary and decisive actions to maintain the health and the consequent military operation deployed in these conflicting areas.


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SOARES, O. A. B.; LIMA, J. R. P. DE A.; CAMPOS, C. H. C. DE; BARROS, R. S. The brazilian military veterinary medicine in peace operations: experiences gathered in the mission of the united nations organization for stabilization of Haiti. Coleção Meira Mattos: revista das ciências militares, v. 7, n. 29, p. 121-129, 5 Sep. 2013.